
"Egg" Nog

For a non-alcoholic eggnog recipe that will not pack on the pound, ditch the eggs and make this "Egg" Nog recipe from Dorothy Delaney. This homemade eggnog has no dairy or eggs in it, but it has the taste you'd expect and love.


For more raw food recipes, check out Dorothy's Featured Foodies profile page.

To see exactly how Dorothy makes version of eggnog, watch this food video:


  • 1 1/2 cup almonds
  • 32 ounce water
  • 1/4 cup agave nectar or honey
  • 2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon cardamom (optional)


  1. Soak almonds in some water for 12 hours. Alternatively, you can use cashews, hazelnuts or macadamia nuts if you'd like. Let the almonds sit out for another 12 hours to sprout.
  2. Blend the sprouted almonds with 32 ounces of water. Strain the mixture through a cheesecloth.
  3. Pour the strained liquid back into the blender, reserving the almond pump for future baking. To the liquid add your sweetener, cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom.
  4. Blend until everything is combined, and then serve chilled with some ground cinnamon on top.


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