
No Sugar Aloud

Rodolfo Fernandes created “No Sugar Aloud” when he changed to a healthier lifestyle but still craved a good dessert. He found that it was almost impossible to find quality, low-sugar, low carb, nutritious options for the cravings. They either tasted “off” or not good at all.

No Sugar Aloud™ signature sweetener blend has no unpleasant aftertaste and my flour mix has no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. Just nature. Open the bag and  smell the natural goodness! 

He personally mix the ingredients in small batches to guarantee consistency in every single bag. with this product you will feel like having your very own private chef, you just need to add water, mix, bake and enjoy.  His wish is that when you open your box you feel the love inside each box.

Helping others with special dietary needs that do not want to compromise on food quality is the mission with this company.


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