
Herb, Asiago, And Roasted Garlic Crusted Salmon

By: Jessica Mode from Homebody Eats
Herb Asiago And Roasted Garlic Crusted Salmon

"Your summer herb garden will be put to good use with this herb, asiago & roasted garlic crusted salmon recipe. Fish, especially salmon, oftentimes feels like an intimidating thing to cook. Not to mention salmon can be pricey, so you don’t want to accidentally mess it up. I’ve got you covered! Here are a few beginner tips on cooking fish: How long can uncooked fish last in my refrigerator? According to the FDA, uncooked fish can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days after purchase. If you need to wait longer than two days, store the fish in the freezer. How can I tell when fish is completely cooked? Fish will turn from its raw, translucent color to a cooked, opaque color. You’ll also want to test that the thickest part of your fillet is flaky by running a fork along the fish. Can I eat the salmon skin? Yes, absolutely! Even if you don’t prefer to eat the salmon skin, I’d still suggest you cook the salmon with the skin on. The skin helps protect the delicate fish from the hot pan, thus preventing burned or dry fish. When do I remove fish from the oven? I like to remove the fish from the oven just a tad bit before it reaches the suggested internal temperature of 145 °F. This allows the fish to remain juicy. Remove the fish at 135 °F and allow to rest until it reaches 145 °F. If you don’t already own a meat thermometer, I’d highly recommend one!! A thermometer is the best way to get perfectly cooked, juicy meat & fish every. single. time. You can get a cheap meat thermometer, or go all out with this smart Bluetooth thermometer (we love this one)!"


Preparation Time15 min

Cooking Time55 min


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